Staff & Researchers



Kathy Kortes-Miller, MSW, PhD has a passion for palliative care and improving the end of life care for all.  She is an associate professor in the School of Social Work and is committed to improving the care provided at the bedside and in the community. Her research is interdisciplinary and collaborative contributing to a broad range of fields of study including: social work, palliative care, end-of-life, interprofessional education, LGBTQ+, caregiving and gerontology. She was a long-standing member of the board of directors for Hospice Northwest and in 2020 joined the board for Roots to Harvest. In March 2018 Kathy published the book “Talking About Death Won’t Kill You” with ECW Press. When not working she can be found nagging her lovely teenagers, winning at a board game against her husband or walking her four-legged bestie, Lucy Maude.

(807) 343-8010 Ext. 7204


Associate Director

Dr. Idevania G. Costa, PhD, RN, NSWOC, is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Dr. Costa is the co-editor of the textbook Supporting Older Persons on Their Aging Journey: An Emancipatory Approach to Nursing Care and the co-founder and chair of “Our Voices Our Stories: A Patient Journey Initiative,” funded by SSHRC.
(807) 343-8340



Elaine Wiersma is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Sciences, completing an MA and PhD from the University of Waterloo. Having spent many years working with older adults in practice and research, particularly individuals with dementia, Elaine’s research aims to tell people’s stories in ways that challenge stereotypes and misconceptions of older people, particularly persons with dementia. Advocacy, inclusion, and rights form the fundamental values underlying her work with people with dementia. Using critical qualitative methodologies, her research spans community and long-term care, exploring aging and dementia care, contexts of rural and northern communities, and quality of life issues. Originally from southern Ontario, she has been living in Thunder Bay since 2004. When Elaine is not working, she can be found in her garden or hiking with camera in hand, and spending time with her family.
(807) 343-8010 Ext. 7294


Division Lead, Indigenous Peoples’ Health & Aging

Holly Prince is an Anishinaabekwe and a member of Opwaaganisiniing in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. She has a Master’s in Social Work and a Ph.D. in Educational Studies. Holly’s research focuses on decolonial and Indigenist education, Indigenous health equity, the resurgence and re-activation of Indigenous Knowledges, and community-based research. She has devoted the last 20 years to advancing the right of Indigenous peoples’ access to culturally appropriate and equitable palliative care and has mobilized her efforts as a national champion of human rights and dignity for people preparing to journey back to the spirit world.
(807) 343-8010 Ext. 7274


Knowledge Broker

Carlina Marchese completed a Specialized Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Master of Health Sciences at Lakehead University. Carlina is currently a Knowledge Broker for the Dementia and Seniors’ Mental Health division, working closely with the North West Dementia Working Group. Previously she was a Research Coordinator and Research Manager with Dr. Elaine Wiersma, and Dr. Nisha Sutherland, respectively. Both projects involved people living with dementia. Carlina has a passion for gerontology and working with the elderly. She has experience working in research, as well as front-line work with seniors. When not at work, Carlina enjoys going to yoga, trying new recipes, and attending the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra.
(807) 343-8010 Ext. 7298


Knowledge Broker

Stephanie Hendrickson completed her master’s in Social Work practicum at CERAH on the Quality Palliative Care in Long-Term Care research project in 2011. Her master’s project was based on an adult learning experience entitled “Improving Communication around Death and Dying for Personal Support Workers in Long-Term Care Using High-Fidelity Simulation.” Stephanie has also worked as a research assistant on the Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities project. Stephanie is currently a Knowledge Broker who oversees a Ministry of Health funded program that coordinates palliative care education for physicians and interprofessional health care providers.
(807) 343-8010 Ext. 7182


Knowledge Broker

Jessica is an experienced Knowledge Broker who began her career at CERAH in 2008. Skilled in curriculum development, evaluation and project management, Jessica holds a Bachelor of Education, and a Master of Arts degree in English with a specialization in Women’s Studies. She is also a certified Project Management Professional. Having a keen interest in working with equity-seeking groups, Jessica supports the development and delivery of culturally safer palliative care education for Indigenous communities across Canada. When not at work Jessica enjoys spending time with her family, hiking with her golden retriever, and documenting her experiences with her Canon DSLR.
(807) 343-8010 Ext. 7263


Curriculum Developer

At CERAH, Kassandra works under the supervision of Holly Prince to design, develop, and evaluate palliative care education that promotes the wholistic wellbeing of Indigenous individuals. Kassandra has a Master of Public Health degree from Lakehead University and is also a PhD candidate in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Western University specializing in aging and occupational science. Kassandra has represented CERAH in her work with community partners on several local projects including Age Friendly GIANTS, AgeBIG and the Thunder Bay Museum’s Places & Faces Digital Storytelling, and the Oasis Senior Supportive Living expansion. Experienced in community-based research, program evaluation, and knowledge translation, her work tends to focus on working with individuals and communities to promote quality of life through to the end of life. Ela também fala Português.
(807) 343-8010 Ext. 7259


Knowledge Broker

May is a Registered Social Worker with a Master of Social Work degree from Lakehead University with a specialization in Gerontology. May completed her Masters practicum at CERAH and is now working as a Knowledge Broker supporting the delivery and development of palliative care education to healthcare providers across Northwestern Ontario. May has a strong interest in social justice and health equity for marginalized communities and her MSW project involved a scoping review on cultural safety for residential school survivors who are living in long-term care. Additionally, May is involved in the Palliative Advocacy and Care Team (PACT) as well as Compassionate Communities Thunder Bay. May grew up in Nipigon, Ontario and currently lives in Thunder Bay. May loves spending time with her partner and 4 children, and when she has time, enjoys painting and drawing.
807-343-8010 Ext. 7271


Research Coordinator

Jiaqi (Jessica) is a Research Coordinator working closely with Dr. Elaine Wiersma and Dr. Nisha Sutherland on capacity-building and international projects. She recently graduated with a Master of Education degree: Education for Change: Social Justice Education (SJE) from Lakehead University, where she researched bilingual Chinese students’ experiences in English, as well as a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts degree from China. Jiaqi is passionate about enhancing the quality of life for people with dementia, inspired by her personal experience with her grandfather. Outside work, Jiaqi enjoys hiking, walking in the park with her partner Kevin, practicing yoga, swimming, meditating, and cooking for her loved ones.

Research Affiliates

CERAH’s research affiliates participate in research discussions, develop interdisciplinary team research grants, write articles based on collaborative research and engage in knowledge transfer activities.

  • Kristen Jones-Bonofiglio, PhD, School of Nursing
  • Ide Costa, PhD, School of Nursing
  • Katherine Kortes-Miller, PhD, School of Social Work  
  • Anna Koné Péfoyo, PhD, Department of Health Sciences
  • Lynn Martin, PhD, Department of Health Sciences
  • Nisha Sutherland, PhD, School of Nursing
  • Elaine Wiersma, PhD, Department of Health Sciences 
  • Ian Newhouse, PhD, Department of Kinesiology