Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Advance Care Planning?

How Much Do You Know About Advance Care Planning (ACP) In Ontario?

Take our quiz on Advance Care Planning in Ontario. Below you can access some helpful resources and videos on ACP.

1 / 10

1. Advance Care Planning is:

2 / 10

2. In Ontario, what is the age that a minor can make their own healthcare decisions (even if it goes against the preferences of their parents/guardians)?

3 / 10

3. Public Guardian and Trustee can become the Substitute Decision Maker if two or more SDMs that are equal ranking cannot agree on a decision for a person.

4 / 10

4. Which of these is NOT a component of ACP?

5 / 10

5. If a person is deemed incapable of making healthcare decisions today, they might be capable tomorrow.

6 / 10

6. You could be considered someone’s Partner if you are in a close, personal, non-romantic relationship with someone and have lived together for at least one year.

7 / 10

7. Mary (75), who has been diagnosed with dementia, lives in a care facility.  It is time for annual flu shots but Mary adamantly refuses, expressing that she never used to get them prior to coming to the care facility. Her daughter, Sarah (47) is Power of Attorney for personal care and tells the staff  they should give her mother the vaccine anyway because she doesn’t want her mother to catch the flu. Because Mary has dementia, the staff at the care facility must listen to her Power of Attorney for Personal Care.

8 / 10

8. Amy’s (77) sister, Lucy (74) is her Attorney for Personal Care. Amy has advanced dementia and has begun experiencing hallucinations. The doctor suggests trying an anti-psychotic medication. Lucy thinks that’s a good idea, but Amy’s husband, Gerry (79) doesn’t want her to take any more medications. Because Amy’s spouse refuses the medication, the doctor cannot give it to her.

9 / 10

9. Helen (86) has 4 children: Mark, Anne, Jay and Lesley. Helen has not officially made any of her children Power of Attorney for Personal Care, and Helen is also widowed. Helen recently had a stroke and is no longer capable of making healthcare decisions for herself. Due to the affects of the stroke on her mobility, the doctor suggests that Helen begin some physiotherapy. All of the children agree to this treatment except for Lesley – she doesn’t think it’s worth trying and will probably just cause mom more discomfort. Because Lesley was out-voted on the decision for physiotherapy, the doctor can go ahead and make the referral.

10 / 10

10. Morris (88) has 2 biological children, Luis (57) and Valerie (60). He also has 1 step-daughter, Francis (55), who he has raised since she was 5 years old. Morris has late stage dementia and lives in long-term care. He does not have a spouse or partner and has not appointed a Power of Attorney for Personal Care. The doctors want to know if it’s ok to give Morris some treatments for a wound after he suffered a fall. Luis and Valerie say this treatment is ok, but Francis suggests a different treatment. The doctor cannot give Morris the treatment because Luis, Valerie and Francis are not all in agreement.

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The average score is 73%


Watch our 2 part series on ACP with Champion, Jill Marcella