Services for Children, Youth & Students

Children’s Centre Thunder Bay
The Children’s Centre offers counselling and therapy one-to-one in person or over the phone. These services are for children and students who are current clients. Staff are trained in helping with grief & bereavement. Interpreters are also part of service delivery. For more information, please call (808) 343-5000 or visit
Confederation College Counselling Centre
Confederation College offers one-to-one counselling services for students of the college. These services are at no cost and do not need a referral. There are also Indigenous grief services available if needed. Please contact (807) 475-6618, or visit
Lakehead University Student Health & Wellness
Lakehead University offers one-to-one counselling for students of the university. Additionally, Indigenous Initiatives has a Master of Social work available for Indigenous students, alone with other cultural services (Elders, sweatlodge, etc.). Please call (807) 343-8361, email or visit their website here.
Our Kids Count
Please contact Our Kids Count at (807) 623-0292, or visit for more information regarding their grief & bereavement services.
Help Us Understand Grief (HUUG) – Hospice Northwest
The HUUG Program was created to help kids process their grief after a loved one has died. This program provides children with the tools and resources they need to understand their feelings and develop healthy coping strategies. The HUUG Program provides group support through 2 hour monthly workshops. The workshops are guided through arts, crafts, books and various activities. There are also cultural pieces in the program to ensure cultural safety for Indigenous children. Please contact HNW for more information regarding programming and their monthly workshops at (807) 626-5570 or