Indigenous Culture, Practices and Approaches to Care

Anishnawbe Mushkiki
Please contact (807) 623-0383 or email for service information.
Beendigen offers referrals for grief counselling group support for women over the age of 16. There is weekly education and support groups/circles provided with this service which are led by an Elder. There is no cost for this program. For more information please call (807) 344-9679 ext. 1600 or visit
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
Dilico offers social work & cultural services for one-to-one, phone or virtual sessions. Some services are available in client’s language. There is no cost for these services. Please call (807) 623-8511 or visit for more information.
Hospice Northwest Gashkendamide’e Grief Support Group for Indigenous Peoples
Led by an Elder, this two-day workshop is delivered in a culturally relevant and spiritually-based manner. This loss and grief workshop is individualized depending on the unique needs of each participant and has at least one Indigenous helper who has experience, education and knowledge in grief support. For more information, please call (807) 626-5570 or visit
Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)
ONWA offers counselling and support through their Mental Health & Addiction Program as well as their Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Family Support Program. Both programs provide access to culture and ceremony through land-based therapy, traditional practices and teachings, and Elders/Traditional Healers. Support is offered through workshops, healing camps, groups, one-to-one, etc. These services are offered to Indigenous women and their families regardless of their status or locality. For more information please call (807) 623-3442 or 1-800-667-0816 or email at
Talk 4 Healing
Talk 4 Healing offers help, support and resources 24/7 through talk, text or chat. Call or text 1-855-554-HEAL or visit for their live chat option with trained professionals.
Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre
The Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre offers both One-to-one peer support and group support (Healing Our Hearts Program). Group programs are 6 to 8 session and have an Indigenous cultural component. The groups run 3 to 4 times per year. One-to-one peer support is available for grief/loss due to trauma, abandonment, failed relationships, victims of violence, domestic violence and of crime. Referrals will be made for professional services if needed. Please visit or call (807) 345-5840, ext. 9095 for more information.
NAN Hope
The Nishnawbe Aski Mental Health Wellness Support Access Program provides community-driven, culturally appropriate and timely mental health and addictions support to members of the 49 First Nations communities in the NAN Territory. There is a 24/7 crisis support line that can be reached at 1-844-NAN-HOPE or via a live web-chat and text support through