Supporting the Grief Journey of Healthcare Providers: It’s in the Work

Superior Inn 555 West Arthur Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

Workshop Description: Join us for a half-day workshop designed to support healthcare providers in navigating the impact of grief in the workplace. With specialist Keynote, Eugene Dufour, this workshop will provide tools to understand grief, develop coping strategies, and practice self-care. In this Workshop, you will: Identify different types of grief Understand the impact of […]


A Palliative Approach to Dementia Care for Indigenous Seniors and Elders with Nicole Lee


Learning Objectives: Identify culturally relevant perspectives on dementia Apply principles of cultural safety to create respectful and inclusive care plans for Indigenous seniors and Elders Integrate trauma-informed approaches to address the impacts of historical and ongoing trauma Collaborate with Indigenous families, communities, Elders and Knowledge Carriers to enhance dementia care Speaker Bio: Nicole Lee is […]

CERAH Speaker Series – Evaluating ‘Keep Moving’: Assessing and Expanding the Impact of Community-Based Exercise for Older Adults with Brain Injury


     Speaker Bio: Dr. Taryn Klarner Read is an Associate Professor in the School of Kinesiology within the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences at Lakehead University. With a strong commitment to community-based research, Dr. Klarner Read’s work aligns with Lakehead’s mandate to serve and support local communities. Her applied research focuses on the […]

Lakehead University respectfully acknowledges its campuses are located on the traditional lands of Indigenous people. Lakehead Thunder Bay is located on the traditional lands of the Fort William First Nation, Signatory to the Robinson Superior Treaty of 1850. Lakehead University acknowledges the history that many nations hold in the areas around our campuses, and is committed to a relationship with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit based on the principles of mutual trust, respect, reciprocity, and collaboration in the spirit of reconciliation. As a Centre we are committed to working towards reconciliation and decolonizing our work and have committed as a staff to educating ourselves in these areas both personally and professionally.